Bearley Village Hall Trust
A charity registered with the Charity Commissioners as “Bearley Village Hall and Sportsfield” but more usually referred to as the “Bearley Village Hall Trust”. The Trust based at the Bearley Village Hall is made up of Elected Trustees and Representative Trustees representing Village Organisations.
As the Trust Deed specifically establishes the property to be held in Trust is:
- for the purposes of a village hall for the use of the inhabitants of the Parish of Bearley without distinction of political religious or other opinions including use for meetings lectures and classes and for other forms or recreation and leisure-time occupation with the object of improving the conditions of life for the said inhabitants; and
- for a recreation ground for the benefit of the inhabitants of the aforesaid Parish in such manner as the committee of management hereinafter constituted from time to time shall think fit.
The Trust Deed requires The Village Hall Trust to administer the Charity in line with the provisions of the Deed with the Bearley Parish Council as the Custodian Trustee under the provisions of sub-section (2) of section 4 of the Public Trustee Act 1906 in a like manner as they apply to the Public Trustee and the managing trustees.
The Trust meets bi-monthly or as required with a comprehensive agenda and a finance statement discussing matters related to upkeep, maintenance and enhancement of the Bearley Village Hall and the Sportsfield. The Trust raises funds from hiring the Village Hall and associated facilities, grants and donations.
Trustees at date of Annual General Meeting 2024:
Mr. Philip Hampson (Chair)
Mr Richard Le Page (Vice Chair)
Mrs. Trudy Hampson & Mr Madjid Mokrani (Joint Treasurer)
Mrs. Charlotte Pettitt (Secretary)
Mrs Gillian Groom
Mr Dean Barguss
Mr Ed Foster.
For further information contact:
Village Hall telephone 07594 983009
Charlotte Pettitt Tel: 07900 523188 or
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