Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service – Resourcing Consultation

Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service – Resourcing Consultation

Have your say on future resourcing of our Fire Services. Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service resourcing consultation is now live and will stay open until 10 March 2024.

It is very important that everyone has a chance to give WFRS their feedback. They would like to encourage members of the public, who live or work in Warwickshire, to take time to read all the information on the consultation website, and complete the online survey, which includes an opportunity to give general feedback or comments as well as answering the fixed questions.

The Service wants to hear views and feedback on this proposal, which optimises the distribution of fire appliances, firefighters and supporting resources so that they better align to risk and demand across Warwickshire.  

Once the survey closes, WFRS will collate all the feedback and use it to inform future delivery approach.

Further information can be found here  and you will be able to complete the survey.